Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bikini Wearing Models

Ever been close enough to a catwalk with a bikini show going on? Well, I’ve been. It’s not like I think that was the most intense experience of my life or the most sophisticated thing I ever saw or the hottest thing on earth, but this is about the bikini wearing models and the things one might think when exposed to such beauty. Maybe because I could never imagine such thoughts would ever cross my mind maybe because it was really… interesting.
As the lights go dim and the music changes, you wait. With anticipation. With great anticipation. The level of anticipation is directly linked to the amount of male spectators. The larger the number of men in the room, the bigger the anticipation. And then it starts. One girl steps out of the dark at the far end of the podium.

For a few moments she pauses in one posture. And then she starts walking. The first thing one notices (in fact stares at, honestly speaking for myself) is not the color of the hairor the color of the bikini. The body is the first image to print itself in your memory. The legs. Her breasts. The image becomes complete within the next few seconds as she stands there in the spotlight from the close edge of the catwalk.

In that exact moment, as the flashes go wild and you can’t actually see her face. Now she has done one yet very mechanical turn and she goes back towards the point where she started. You don’t pay too many seconds to focusing on her face. You notice her ass. Her legs again. Her high heeled shoes. And then you notice the way her body shines in the dim light. You can almost imagine how touching her skin would feel.

At the far end of the catwalk, she strikes another pose for a few seconds. The blitzkrieg starts all over gain. A new girl just out of the dark from behind the screen steps close to the first one. And, as the first girl disappears back in the dark, the second one does the exact same routine she did.

The same thing repeats with each new girl that appears on the catwalk. But you suddenly seem to realize that no human skin shines like that. And you can almost feel the way your hands would feel on that skin. Like on a decaying statue. Their skin is covered with something very hard to explain: a mixture of powder and oil that shines and covers all the imperfections. It’s not like in the "not glamorous" porn movies where you can see bruises and scars. Their skin is perfect. Not at all human, if you think about it. And then, suddenly a familiar face appears on the catwalk. It’s the first girl who appeared into the glowing dim lights.

So as the catwalk goes on you suddenly start to notice and even remember the faces. And you come to terms with their not-always-as-beautiful-as-their-bodies faces. And you feel like watching a robot show. It’s the so sexy heels that make them move like alien robots. And yet it is still captivating. After the first round of swimming suits as the second time any of the models walks on the podium you try to remember who came after her. Because you know you’ll get to see all of them again. And in a corner of your mind you already have a favorites list.

As you see them the second time, you might even notice what kind of bikini they wear. But you see again one of the most beautiful of the models and you start thinking about how it would feel. How would you feel to date her, love her. Touch her. Have sex with her. Strangely enough in your daydreams their skin is still perfect, they are still wearing make up. As you figure this out you realize you can’t possibly imagine any of them looking all natural, no make up, no skin lotion and no high heels.

And then the music climaxes and as they all get to circle the podium you realize it’s over. Applause. The last ones head towards the dark. Applause. Blitzkrieg. And it’s over. For a few seconds the lights dim even more. Just to turn bright slowly again. The catwalk is over.

Photo: Tudor Raiciu

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